Future Business Leaders of America
FBLA is the high school division of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. FBLA helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs. The FBLA high school experience should be tailored to individual members to ensure that they are gaining the knowledge, skills, experiences, and behaviors they need to be successful after high school. Based on these experiences as well as the knowledge and skills gained through their Business Education programs, FBLA members understand they can choose to: enter the world of work, join the military, continue with a Business Education Program in college, or select another focus for further education. The ZBTHS chapter of FBLA offers over 70 different areas of business that students can pursue, learn about, and compete in the competition for regional, state, and national competitions. We look forward to you being part of the Future Business Leaders of America here at ZBTHS.
2023-2024 Executive Team:
President - Grace Reynolds
Vice President - Moira Cook
Secretary - Alyssa Rodrigo
Membership Director - Audreynah Gillentine
Fundraising/ Finance Director - Ryan Hallgren
Marketing/Social Director - Sydney Wright
Marketing/Social Director - Amy Andujar
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 10th, 2024
22-23 Upcoming Events:
23-24 Dates TBA
- October 7th-26th: Fall Online Testing Event
- January 13th, 2023: Area Leadership Conference (College of Lake County)
- April 14th - 15th, 2023: Illinois Leadership Conference (Springfield, IL)
- June 27th - 30th, 2023: National Leadership Conference (Atlanta, GA)
TBD Spring 2024