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Band/Jazz Band

Band: The Zion-Benton band program consists of three concert bands and a marching band. The marching band rehearses throughout the fall and splits into separate concert bands in November and/or December. The bands perform in four concerts each year as well as tours to perform in the community and in select years tours out of state. Students in the band program also participate in local/state contests and festivals. Students with no previous experience can still join the band program with the director's approval. Students must be registered for this class.

Jazz Band: Jazz Band is open to students in grades 9-12 who play Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Piano, Guitar, Bass, or Drums. Students may be required to audition if they are not currently enrolled in a band class. Jazz Band rehearses one evening a week from October-April and performs at various concerts and other functions. 

Club Sponsor

Director, Mr. Shan Kazmi

Assistant Director, Ms. Katie Pierce