Report an Absence
Absence Reporting Lines
Freshman and Senior
Junior and Sophomore
Attendance Policies
District 126, believes that there is a direct correlation between academic achievement and regular, prompt attendance. A student’s success in school and future career activities depends upon positive attendance habits. Regular and consistent school attendance helps to develop responsibility and self-discipline; it also prepares students for the world of work. The attendance policy is in place to promote and encourage positive attendance habits for each student.
The major responsibility for acceptable attendance lies with the student and parents. Teachers, counselors, and administrators have the responsibility to assist the student and work with parents in meeting the goal of acceptable attendance.
Students are expected to be in school and on time to class every day. Students should be fully aware that the interactions in the classroom constitute a valid and critical part of the coursework; they cannot be duplicated. Students should be attentive and prepared with proper materials to be actively involved in the class.
Parents are expected to notify the school the day of an absence or the following day of any absence or extenuating circumstances regarding illness or personal and family problems that may have an effect on attendance. Every effort should be made to schedule routine appointments after school hours. Family vacations should be planned during holidays outlined on the school calendar. Parents should discuss the importance of good attendance with their student to avoid loss of credit due to violations of the attendance policy.
Teachers are expected to maintain accurate daily attendance/tardy records and report them properly to the office. A teacher has the professional responsibility to begin class on time and provide a consistent classroom environment that is a challenging and rewarding educational experience.
To promote this philosophy and to assist students in developing lifelong, responsible attendance patterns, the following procedures will be implemented.
Attendance Procedures
Excused Absences
For an absence to be excused, parents must call the Attendance Office within 24 hours of the absence. Family trips or long-term absences must be prearranged one week in advance of the absence through utilizing the Extended Absence Form process. This will allow students to receive assignments in advance of the absence.
Documentation or other verification may be required to excuse a long-term absence. Students will be allowed a minimum of one day per absence to make up work. Students who have unexcused absences will not receive credit for any assigned work that day. Students will be disciplined for unexcused absences or skipping.
Exempt Absences
Extended Absence
When a student is not going to be in school for a period of time and he/she knows about it ahead of time, he/she is required to complete an Extended Absence form. This form is available in the Attendance Office. The student must also have a parent verify the absence by calling the Attendance Office. The student takes the form to each of his/her teachers to secure signatures and homework assignments. The form is then returned to the Attendance Office, recorded, and filed.
- School activities
- Religious holidays
- Serious injury or long-term illness
- Verifiable chronic illness
- Suspension from school
- Bereavement for a family member